Ingalls & Associates provided comprehensive engineering and surveying services associated with a large salt bulk storage facility. Services included boundary and topographic survey, site plan design, stormwater analysis and preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and NPDES permitting for stormwater discharge.
- Boundary and topographic survey & establishment of base mapping
- Comprehensive site plan design of asphalt storage pads and access roads
- Grading design
- Drainage analysis & design of stormwater management systems
- Preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
- Preparation of erosion and sediment control plans
- Preparation of all materials necessary to obtain municipal approvals including zoning analysis & compliance and site plan approval
- Detailed analysis of a salt-tolerant planting schedule suitable for stormwater management areas
- Coordination with Bucks County Conservation District, Delaware River Basin Commission, and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
- Development of a plan for dewatering of the existing stormwater management system prior to construction, including a complex water treatment system comprised of a frac tank, sand filter, and metered discharge rate
- Detailed analysis of salinity impacts to the Delaware River
- Construction monitoring
- Construction survey layout
- SWPPP inspections